Saturday, March 21, 2015

more apple cultivars

Westfield Seek no Further
Origin: Massachusetts 1790Ripens: OctZone: 3 - 6
Excellent for eating fresh. Fruit is streaked with red and russet over yellowish background
GoldRush  Keeps Its Fantastic Flavor All Winter!

One of the best keeping apples ever! Keeps in the refrigerator until June of the year following harvest. Retains crisp texture and, like fine wine, Gold rush's flavor gets even better with time. Exceptional for fresh eating; out of this world for pies and cider! Quick to bear, often in its second year. Good disease resistance. A real winner! Zones 5-8.
  • Pristine
    Origin: Purdue - 1994Ripens: Mid July to AugustZone: 4 - 8
    Uses: Baking, Pies, Sauce
    A very sweet, yellow skinned apple. Very disease redistant. It is very similar to Yellow Transparent.
    Williams Pride
    Origin: 1988Ripens: July/AugZone: 4 - 7
    Fruit is medium in size slightly conic in shape with a rich aromatic flavor. Apples are 70-80% red with excellent eating quality. It has inbred resistance to apple scab and cedar apple rust. Good resistance to fireblight and powdery mildew. Stores about 1 month in refrigeration.
    Caville Blanc de'Hiver
    Origin: France or Germany 1598Ripens: Oct/NovZone: 3 - 6
    Uniquely shaped medium to large size fruit, skin yellow with light red flush. Fine textured. Flesh is tender, yellowish-white; flavor sweet, subacid, aromatic. Higher in Vitamin C than an orange. This is the gourmet culinary apple of France, excellent for tarts. One of Thomas Jeffersons favorite apples.
    Origin: New York - 1995Ripens: SeptemberZone: 4 - 7
    Uses: Eating, Pies, Sauce
    'Fortune' is a hybrid of 'Schoharie Spy' x 'Empire'. It is a large, red apple with yellow flesh which is excellent for eating fresh. Trees are usually very vigorous.

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